QMSys Thread – PD is a handy and reliable application designed to help you measure the pitch diameter of threads when the indicated values are specified.
Indicated values and pitch diameters are determined using measuring wires or balls by Berndt’s iteration formulas from the publication EA – 10/10 “Guidelines on the Determination of Pitch Diameter of Parallel Thread Gauges by Mechanical Probing”.
The correction for the measuring force is defined by Lechowski’s methods. The optimum diameter of wires or balls is calculated by the formulas published in EA – 10/10.
QMSys Thread – PD Serial Number Full Torrent (Final 2022)
QMSys Thread – PD – helpful and reliable application designed to measure the pitch diameter of threads using measuring wires or balls by Berndt’s iteration formulas from the publication EA – 10/10 “Guidelines on the Determination of Pitch Diameter of Parallel Thread Gauges by Mechanical Probing” and Lechowski’s formulas.
QMSys Thread – PD 1.0.9 Features:
– Configurable input values.
– Configurable data file for reading values.
– Configurable output values.
– Configurable data file for writing values.
– Configurable measuring force.
– Configurable measuring range.
– Configurable measuring accuracy.
– Configurable measuring interval.
– Configurable measurement mode (measuring value and deviation).
– Configurable conversion rate.
– Configurable display format.
– Configurable display type.
– Calculate pitch diameter of threads.
– Automatically determine the optimum diameter of measuring wire or ball.
– Automatically determine the range of diameters of measuring wires or balls.
– Automatically calculate the diameter of threads from the range of diameters of measuring wires or balls.
– Measuring range from 0.5 mm to 10 mm for steel-made thread and 0.5 mm to 30 mm for chrome-made thread.
– Measuring accuracy of 1 µm (0.001 mm).
– Measuring range from 1 µm to 60 µm.
– Measuring accuracy from 1 µm to 60 µm.
– Measuring interval from 1 µm to 60 µm.
– Measuring accuracy of 1 µm.
– Measuring interval from 1 µm to 60 µm.
– Measuring accuracy from 1 µm to 60 µm.
– Conversion rate from pitch diameter of threads to total length of thread.
– Conversion rate from total length of thread to pitch diameter of threads.
– Conversion ratio.
– Conversion ratio from pitch diameter of threads to thread depth.
– Conversion ratio from thread depth to pitch diameter of threads.
– Calculate pitch diameter of threads.
– Calculate range of diameters of measuring wires or balls.
– Calculate range of diameters of measuring wires or balls.
– Calculate diameter of threads from the range of diameters of measuring wires or balls.
– Calculate pitch diameter of threads using the diameter of measuring wire or ball.
– Calculate pitch diameter of threads using the diameter of measuring wire
QMSys Thread – PD Crack + Registration Code
QMSys Thread – PD Crack Mac is program written in Delphi XE5 for Windows. It is a small application with only a few functions and an interface to the “Report” function that can be used for printing the results.
The application was designed to let you to determine the PD of threads in a very easy way. By specifying an indicated value and a reference point of the thread you can easily calculate the thread pitch diameter.
You can save the indicated value as well as the calculated pitch diameter on the hard disc.
The application features a check for the B- and B+ indicated values. When the B- or B+ value is not reached the indicated diameter is equal to the distance between the collars.
The B- or B+ value can be pre-set at the beginning of the measurement. You can also make a calculation for the indicated value and the calculated pitch diameter, and you can save these values.
There is also a check for the 0 and -0 range for the indicated values and the calculated pitch diameter values.
The application uses a simple approach. If a collars span is already measured and you want to calculate the PD of another thread you can take the indicated value with the same collars as from the thread and simply add the indicated values by the size of the thread.
Using this way the application is very simple and can handle also threads which are very difficult.
QMSys Thread – PD Main Features:
Indicated values are taken from the publication EA – 10/10
At least two collars needed
Indicated values and pitch diameters can be saved on the hard disc
Ability to save calculated values
Index for indicated values from the collars
Correction for the B- and B+
Pre-set or calculated indicated values
Calculation of the optimum diameter with the Lechowski’s method for the collars
Calculation of the diameter of the collars with the formula from EA – 10/10
Check for the -0 and 0 range
Make a calculation for the indicated value and the calculated pitch diameter
QMSys Thread – PD Requirements:
Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7/8/10
Delphi XE5
The program has been tested on Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10.
QMSys Thread – PD New Features:
– MIDI synth support for pitchdiameter recording; The program will record the MIDI message automatically with the indicated value when you play on keyboard
QMSys Thread – PD [32|64bit]
QMSys Thread – PD is a handy and reliable application designed to help you measure the pitch diameter of threads when the indicated values are specified.
Indicated values and pitch diameters are determined using measuring wires or balls by Berndt’s iteration formulas from the publication EA – 10/10 “Guidelines on the Determination of Pitch Diameter of Parallel Thread Gauges by Mechanical Probing”.
The correction for the measuring force is defined by Lechowski’s methods. The optimum diameter of wires or balls is calculated by the formulas published in EA – 10/10.
Free Trial Version:
The application can be tried free of charge for 2 times.
Educational Version:
Educational version of QMSys Thread – PD allows you to assign the application to work memory which you can permanently use during study.
The application can be tried free of charge for 2 times.
By going to the Assigned Data tab, you will be able to directly save and read data settings. While saving data settings, you will have the opportunity to associate them with one user or group of users. If you choose the second option, you will have the ability to define this user group in the Users tab. and functional deficits to address those needs by providing training to individuals with disabilities so they can find and keep gainful employment through a customized employment plan. Funds are distributed to eligible federal agencies to ensure that the appropriate sectors of the federal government, including the Department of Defense, the Department of Justice and several others, receive appropriate and direct financial assistance to address needs and to fund specialized programs. Congress has directed: “All training programs that are carried out by executive agencies of the Federal Government shall be designed to enhance the employability of persons with disabilities in competitive employment.”
Because military families are often all too familiar with the stresses of military service and the types of financial hardships that arise as a result of these stresses, these types of payments play an essential role in mitigating the hardships they experience during their time of service.
For more information about this benefit, please click HERE.
Let us know when you get a cash benefit for this program and what you used it for!
Edited to Add:
Update (10/15):
What’s New in the QMSys Thread – PD?
1. Correction for the friction force is included into calculations, but the user must determine the value of this factor by trial and error. The User can also test this correction in its graphic form.
2. The calculation time for determining an optimum diameter of wires or balls and determining the pitch diameter of threads is much shorter than the manual methods.
3. The software provides a graphical representation of the calculation results.
4. In case of hard to read digits in graphical representation of the results, you can convert the graphical representation into a table and copy the contents of the table.
5. Calculation of the pitch diameter by any of the methods available in QMSys Thread is based on the following tables:
• Pitch Diameters for Complete Threads with Normal Variations
• Pitch Diameters for Punched Threads
• Pitch Diameters for Continuous Threads
6. QMSys Thread – PD is designed as a helper for the measurement of pitch diameter.
7. The application includes a fully customizable user interface.
8. The application is optimised for the use on Windows 32/64 bit, but will run on any POSIX environment.
9. The application is very easy to use and suitable for quick use on a computer.
10. The application is updated regularly and contains many bug fixes.
You can download the trial version of QMSys Thread – PD from
How to install on Windows 10?
1. First of all you have to download the trial version of QMSys Thread – PD from the website
2. Then install QMSys Thread – PD.
3. Copy the files QMSyST.exe and QMSyST.lnk to the desktop.
4. Open the file QMSyST.exe.
5. QMSyST may ask you to sign in to the internet.
6. You will be required to add the software to the list of installed programs.
7. From the desktop, open the file QMSyST.lnk.
8. Click “Run as Administrator”.
9. If the Install button is greyed out, right click on the desktop and click “Run as Administrator”.
10. Click “Yes” if this message is displayed – “This program is digitally signed.
A security warning for the Microsoft Windows operating system about
System Requirements For QMSys Thread – PD:
Game Software: 2.1.4
Graphics Settings:
Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Output Resolution: 720p
Framerate Cap: 30 FPS
Anisotropic Filtering: 16x
Force The Quality: Off
X-Ray: Off
Bloom: Off
V-Sync: Off
Texture Filtering:
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